Thursday, April 15, 2010

i should

i should write more.
i should write more here.
i should write more here often.

or i shouldn't.
no, i should.
i could.

abstractions aside, i'm avoiding class for a few more minutes and contemplating all that has passed in the last nine months or so. hardly a whirlwind, but tumultuous nonetheless. without saying anything at all i'm saying a lot.

yellowstone and wyoming broke me. literally. i had to cut short my tour and hitch a ride back to oregon, bike in tow, achilles sore and behaving infamously, as another tendon is now. this time it's the knee. after a short recovery last summer i took up 'cross racing again and had a good run of it. magically after the racing was over and i wasn't training and didn't need to be riding as much my knee blew up. every ache and subtle nuance of my body was shaken from the epicenter that is the right femoral epicondyle. i don't even ride a bike now. it's silly. truly. silly.

may is knocking, may is knockin'
she wears a summer dress beneath her slicker,
bare toes within her wellies, i see it.