Tuesday, May 13, 2008

marching on [thorns]

we crossed into idaho two days ago. oregon wasn't easy at all. i don't think they know how to build a flat road in the state. i'm not complaining, but i'm saying...we move at a relatively slow speed. the first few days i pushed too hard and have payed for it with a nagging knee pain ever since. having slowed down the pain seems to have abated, more or less. there's a great story about a simultaneous double-flat that we brought upon ourselves by crossing over some horrendous patch of roadside thorns. it all ended with the application of about ten patches on four tubes, three broken valve stems (he did it to all three), only three working tubes for two bikes (four are required), and two nights in a small motel in Parma, ID. we lived to tell the tale and i'm sitting here in Murphy, ID about 53 miles from Parma. i got into town and discovered the only store here is closed on tuesdays (it's tuesday, by the way) and that we can camp on the museum lawn but the sprinker system might come on at some point (that already happened to us once so it shouldn't be too much of an issue).

we just keep rolling along and are having a great time. as we wander the roads so too does my mind--to many familiar places, voices, and faces.

on a lighter note, i can't say i miss sitting in front of a computer all day. i can say that i miss you all, however.

no epiphanies or profound realizations, i did read an old Kung Fu book and have rolled this around in my head: suffering is as private as death. but that's not at all relevant to our journey.

oregon is amazing, i hope i feel the same about the rest of 'em.

have fun and much love,

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